Implement the Toggle Visibility function - Show/Hide anything

. Tuesday, September 30, 2008
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  1. Log in your Blogger account.
  2. From the Dashboard, go to Layout
  3. Choose Edit HTML
  4. Scroll down a bit or look for :
  5. Immediately above that, copy/paste :
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    function toggleVis( elemID )
    {    var elem = document.getElementById( elemID );
    	if( != 'none' )
            { = 'none';
            { = 'block';
  6. Save your template.
  7. To use it, you just have to create a DIV and give it an ID. And then, create an instance which (e.g. on click) will invoke the 'toggle visibility' function of your DIV.
  8. Example :
    <a onclick="toggleVis('example');">
    Click here to toggle visibility of the following element</a> <div id="example">This is the element to be toggled</div>

    Click here to toggle visibility of the following element
    This is the element to be toggled

